Second Grade

Second Grade

Welcome to the Second Grade!

We will spend the first few weeks reviewing material that was covered last year. The emphasis is to help the students better put into practice the vocabulary and concepts covered in First Grade. These students worked very hard last year, so I am excited to build upon that foundation. I would like the students to be able to understand the questions being asked, instead of just replying with an automatic response. The goal is for the students to feel comfortable with high-frequency vocabulary, and ask questions with and about he language. With their on-going maturity and understanding of language concepts, I know the students will make great gains in their ability to use Spanish.  It just takes practice!

During the first trimester, we review greetings and ways to answer the question, ¿Cómo estás? We then jump into learning how to describe ourselves physically, as well as by our personality.  Students practice using adjectives correctly in Spanish, which is a big deal :)

The beginning of second trimester will have us using similar vocabulary to describe family members with the hopes that the grammatical patterns will begin to stick.  We will also practice describing things we see and the things we create.  We will wrap up this unit after the beginning of the new year.

Second Grade Spanish ends second trimester studying free time activities, weather, and clothing vocabulary.  We will use all of this vocabulary together as it seems to be connected.  The assessment comes after Spring Break. 

Our last unit of the year has to do with foods we eat, and popular foods eaten in other countries. Look for further updates later in the year.

There will be an increased use of stories, Spanish readers, and cultural discussions this year.  Make sure to ask your students about what they are learning in class.  


Descriptions Vocabulary

Tengo el pelo:   rubio, negro, canoso, castaño

My hair color is: blonde, black, gray, brown

Soy pelirrojo/pelirroja - I have red hair (male/female)

Tengo los ojos: azules, verdes, cafés, avellanos

I have:    blue, green, brown, hazel    (eyes)

Soy - I am


Adjectives Vocabulary

alto/a - tall                                bajo/a - short                          bonita – pretty

grande – big                             pequeño - small                    guapo - handsome

amable – nice                           fuerte – strong                      artístico/a - artistic

serio/a – serious                      gracioso/a - funny                 tímido/a - shy            

inteligente - intelligent             atlético/a - athletic              interesante - interesting


La Familia

la familia-family                          la madre-mother                    el padre-father

el hermano-brother                    la hermana-sister                  el abuelo-grandpa

la abuela-grandma                     grande-large                          pequeño-small



comer-to eat           beber-to drink        hablar-to speak          estudiar-to study

mirar-to watch        leer-to eat               jugar-to play               dormir-to sleep

nadar-to swim         esquiar-to ski         montar-to ride            practicar-to practice



Hace calor - It's hot              Hace sol - It's sunny            Hace frío - It's cold

Hace viento - It's windy        Llueve - It's raining               Nieva - It's snowing


El Almuerzo

el sandwich de-                        la hamburguesa-hamburger               las papas fritas-french fries

el pollo-chicken                        el tomate-tomato                                 la fruta-fruit

el pavo-turkey                          el queso-cheese                                  la ensalada-salad

el jamón-ham                           la lechuga-lettuce                                la mayonesa-mayo

la crema de cacahuate-PB      el perro caliente-hot dog                     la salsa de tomate-ketchup

la mermalada-jelly                    la mostaza-mustard

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